Jordan Catford

The top cat of wall street

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Jordan Catford


is a living legend among cats and humans in the financial world. His name is known to every successful entrepreneur and businessman, and his trading skills inspire everyone who has ever heard of his achievements.

Jordan Catford

His number of successful trades

surpasses what other cats can achieve in their nine lives. With each new day, Jordan Catford continues to demonstrate unparalleled skills and intuition in the financial markets.

Jordan Catford

We decided to help

our furry traders by creating a compassionate community. Our goal is to launch a full-fledged NFT collection and a tap2earn project, with all the earnings going to donations to animal shelters.

Total Supply

1 000 000

CA: 8doS8nzmgVZEaACxALkbK5fZtw4UuoRp4Yt8NEaXfDMb

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